Home > Poster's Block

Poster's Block

September 5th, 2009 at 02:09 am

I've been reflecting about my SA blog and think perhaps I don't focus enough on "financial" topics, so I haven't posted for a while. I've always had an interest in personal finance and felt that by blogging here I could learn from others and also share the experiences that led to my "financial freedom." I was able to retire at age 58 (not really "early" but 8 years ahead of full Social Security retirement for my age group).

One of my goals has been to enjoy a comfortable retirement through the careful management of my financial resources. It's hard for me to separate living my life in retirement from the psychological and philosophical role that money plays in our lives.

After years and years of planning for my future retirement, the future is here. But it doesn't mean I can't continue to learn from others or that others can't learn from me. But still, I have to remember the focus of this forum is personal finance. I guess I will continue to post, although it probably will be less frequently. However, I will continue to enjoy the SA blogs.

3 Responses to “Poster's Block”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    If you have any inclination, I would love if you would blog about how you are covering health insurance in early retirement.

  2. monkeymama Says:

    Well, I hope you write about anything and everything! I enjoy your blog, we can stray from the financial...

  3. Analise Says:

    Joan.of.the.Arch - We are fortunate that I get health coverage through my former employer at no cost until I am 65 (Kaiser HMO). My husband's pension system provides Blue Shield PPO and vision insurance for ~$60 a month. We have no-cost dental coverage that pays 75% of most expenses with a $50 annual deductible.

    I thought I'd share this here but won't blog about it since I know we have a great situation and there are many struggling for basic health care. We are grateful and we recognize how much we are saving. In planning for retirement, having health insurance was a factor that enabled me to retire early.

    We also know that these benefits can dry up or be reduced, so we may have to pay more in the future and have planned for this possibility.

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