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Allergic to Annoying People

March 5th, 2009 at 04:40 pm

Every month or so I go to a favorite sushi bar with a group of friends I've known since graduate school. We always have a good time, enjoying the food and camaraderie. In the past, we've always split the tab evenly, and it's never been a problem. But lately, I've been skipping this gathering because one friend has been inviting someone new. I'll call the newbie Barney (not his real name). Inviting someone new is not the problem.

The problem and the source of my annoyance is that Barney orders (and eats) at least twice as much as everyone else, greedily perusing the menu for new dishes to try. He NEVER shares with others the way the rest of us do and he typically orders the most expensive drinks and sushi enough for a small army. Then, when it's time to pay, Barney is only too delighted to split the tab evenly... can't whip out his wallet fast enough. And did I mention Barney's favorite topic of conversation is, ad nauseam: Barney's Horrible Day (Week, Month, Year, Life, Job...)!

For me, it's not about the money... paying an extra $10 or so won't break the bank. It's Barney's utter lack of consideration and his boorish behavior that annoys the c!%& out of me. It's interesting how one person can change the group dynamic. So far, I've kept mum, not wanting to be cheap or feel awkward by asking Barney to pay his fair share (or to shut up for that matter).

Since it had never been a problem, we just kept up the practice of splitting the tab as we had always done before Barney. It's what a lot of folks do, I think. When dh and I go out with friends, or when I dine out with a group, everyone keeps track of their tab and pays the corresponding amount. It works out just fine and someone usually volunteers to be the "banker" and collect the cash. Or, if we all order about the same, we evenly split it.

Nowadays, if I know that Barney will be at the sushi bar, I decline rather than having to deal with him. I guess I have no spine when it comes to some things... and maybe Barney's behavior doesn't bother anyone else but me. Who cares? At this point in my life, I avoid annoying, irritating, negative people the same way I do pollen and stinging insects... or anything else that provokes my allergies. Do you know someone like Barney and how do you deal with him/her?

Car Service Ripoff

March 4th, 2009 at 07:57 pm

Yesterday I took my SUV to the dealer where I bought it in 2007 for a service appointment. The car is running fine but the LCD panel alerted me to the need for an oil change. No problem... I decided to take it to the dealer because they will do the service for $29.95, and will also wash the car for free. And, since the car is still under warranty, having it done at the dealer seemed like a good idea.

While I was registering with the service representative, he pulled up my file and informed me the car really needed, in addition to an oil change, an "intermediate" service that should be done every 15,000 miles. My car has 16,000 miles so I didn't think this was unreasonable, but I but did ask how much it would cost. The service rep crunched numbers, flipped through some papers, entered some data in the computer, and then announced: "We can do it for $499.90 but I will give you 10% off."

After I picked my jaw off the floor, I asked him for the details. He said it was $399.95 for the 15,000-mile service and an additional $99.95 for "Throttle Body & Air Intake Cleaning." The latter is supposedly required so that my car "doesn't forget how to drive." I told the rep that if I had to pay $100 every 15,000 miles for my car to remember how to drive, then it must have a major design flaw. I also told him there was no way I would pay their prices.

As I was leaving, the rep warned me that the warranty would be void if I used filters that were not made by Nissan. Long story short: I called our trusted mechanic, Ed, that we have used for 20 years and he told me he could do the entire service for $165, including the tire rotation. Ed specializes in Honda and Acura and is certified, but he is very competent and can work on Toyotas or Nissans, too. He is reasonable, honest, and has never steered us wrong.

It really bothered me that the rep at the dealership tried to scare me into paying their exorbitant prices for a routine service. He must think I just fell off a turnip truck or maybe because I am a woman, I can be talked into thinking service work must be done at the dealer to keep the warranty valid. I noticed I was the only customer there and maybe it's a sign of the times and the desperate state of the auto business. The evening news just the other night had a segment about how DIY auto repairs are creating a little boom for auto parts stores. Who knows, except I won't be going back to the dealer any time soon, not even for a cheap oil change and free car wash.

Want to hulu?

March 2nd, 2009 at 09:12 pm

Today I finally got around to checking out

Text is and Link is and was pleasantly surprised. If you have the software requirements (e.g., OS X on my computer), you can watch TV programs and movies free on your computer. Now I can watch my favorites TV programs or movies on my computer (using headphones) while dh watches his on the big screen (and vice versa). What will they think of next?!

Big Haul at Costco

March 1st, 2009 at 06:06 am

Today dh and I went to Costco, even though I swore I'd never again go on a weekend once I retired... so I had to eat my words! Actually, we had not been in over a month and our Am Ex rebate check for $294.41 was in the mail yesterday when we got home from a business trip. And, since the frig was pretty bare, we stocked up... now the pantry and freezer are full, and we have cleaning supplies and paper products to last at least 6 months.

Our cart totaled $354.80 but we paid only $60.39. This was on top of getting $38 off for products that had coupons (e.g., Brita filters, Skinny Cow, vitamins, etc.). I found out Costco now automatically deducts the coupon amount when the cashier rings up, so I wasted a lot of time cutting coupons this morning. But I really can't complain... the savings are nice no matter how you get them.

I usually budget ~$200 a month for Costco where I buy our meat, soy milk, organic cereal, cheese, coffee, tea, canned tomatoes, Skinny Cow, pasta, cat litter, vitamins, dried blueberries, Romaine, some fruits/vegetables, and cleaning and paper products (some items are bought every few months). I always pay with the Am Ex card and then pay the balance in full each month. I like the tiered rebates: 3% for gas and restaurants, 2% for travel, and 1% everywhere else... and the card has no fees, other than the Costco membership that is required.

Am I Addicted?

February 25th, 2009 at 05:55 pm

A few days ago, during a completely normal online session, my Internet stopped working. Just like that, I was offline. First of all, I didn't even know whom to contact about the outage. After all, I always access my ISP account online. Fortunately, my cell phone has Internet access, so I was able to get a phone number. I won't go into the gory details, but the customer service agent (in the Philippines) was not able to get me online after more than an hour of troubleshooting, and he determined I needed to have a technician come to my house the next afternoon. So, now I just had to wait.

My resulting behavior, though, has given me cause for concern... am I addicted to the Internet? Why did I keep checking every 30 minutes to see if maybe I was somehow able to get online? I even caught myself looking out the window, as if somehow the problem would be sitting out there in the front yard. This is not good, and it's made me wonder if I have a problem. Was I experiencing withdrawal symptoms?

It's not as if I surf all day long, but I do have my habits. In the morning, cup of coffee in hand, I read the news online, check my email, read my favorite blogs, and maybe comment or post if I have something to say. If I'm home, in the afternoon I check my email again... and, after dinner I usually check my email and maybe go online, depending on what's happening on the home front. And if I happen to be in the vicinity of my laptop and the email alert sounds, I will check it then. I don't know, is this excessive and why do I feel so disconnected when my Internet is down? (no pun intended!)

Lucky Pennies

February 22nd, 2009 at 08:20 pm

When I was recently in NYC, my grandnephew (age 5) kept finding pennies... everywhere. Of course, he loved picking them up and I told him they were lucky. I've never seen anything like it, and it made me wonder if life in New York City is so fast-paced that people don't see the change or whether most just don't want to bother with mere pennies.

Grandnephew found .11 in 5 days. I guess being closer to the ground helps, too! He was very sweet and generous to give me one of his pennies for the tiny "lucky cat" piggy bank I bought in Chinatown. Hope it brings me good luck.

Confessions of a Secret Piggy Banker

February 21st, 2009 at 04:46 pm

Ever since I was a kid, I've had a piggy bank. I don't know how many adults keep piggy banks of some sort, but I suspect there are others like me out there. On my kitchen counter I have a piggy bank that I use for spare change, and in my bedroom I have a piggy-bank cat that's chock full of quarters... so full I can't get another one into it. In my underwear drawer, I have a red makeup bag that does double duty as a bank (CYA has a literal meaning here). My most prized coins are some I've had since ~1968, a gift from my father. I keep them in a small blue bag in a secret place. I'm not the only one in the family who is involved in this practice. Dh keeps a gallon jar of coins, mostly pennies, in our closet.

Well, it had been a couple of years since I'd forced myself to roll coins, so early this morning I decided it was time to deal with some of these stashes. But since I HATE counting and wrapping coins, I took most of them to the
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Coinstar machine at Lucky's. I recently learned that by donating the money to one of their non-profit partners or by getting gift cards, there is no fee for using Coinstar. The kitchen piggy and the red bag produced $197.39 that I donated to
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Feeding America. The piggy-bank cat produced $134.50 that I used for Starbuck's and AMC gift cards.

As far as my little blue bag of old coins, these may be worth more than their face value because they are silver dollars, quarters, and dimes, so they definitely won't get fed to the Coinstar machine... I'm not quite sure how to go about unloading these, but I'll figure it out. And the penny jar... well, it's destined for Coinstar if dh is willing, but not until he can help with it. It's too heavy for me to carry.

Blood Oranges and More...

February 20th, 2009 at 04:48 pm

Yesterday I was in the vicinity of my favorite Asian market where I find the best selection of produce items I like to occasionally buy. It's not in a convenient location so I don't go very often, but when I do, I always come away with some special treats. I spent $8.86 for 8 blood oranges, 2 large Asian pears, a big bag of taku choy, and ~ 1/4 lb. of winter mushrooms (shitake).

The blood oranges are delicious... wish I'd bought more. Taku choy is similar to bok choy but the stem is thinner and the tops are leafier and darker green. I will use it to make a stir-fry with fresh garlic, winter mushrooms and strips of lean pork, served over brown rice. I also put it in soup. The pears will be chilled, sliced and served for dessert with slices of gouda.

I wish I lived where I could walk to a store for fresh produce several times a week, or even daily. Unfortunately, getting fresh produce entails driving but that is how it is... I live out in the boondocks. But I'm beginning to think the bargain-priced produce I get at Costco is not really a good deal because I inevitably end up throwing half of it away.

In case you've never seen a blood orange, here is what they look like:

My Hypothetical Life vs. My Real Life

February 19th, 2009 at 06:54 pm

Well, today is the 6-month anniversary of my retirement and I've been reflecting on whether it's been all that I expected it to be, all that I planned and dreamed for it to be. And the answer is not a simple "yes" or "no."

While I have yet to regret retiring, I have to admit there have been a few times I've wondered if I should have worked another year or two. These are the days when the economic news is so ugly (read: downright scary) that I wonder if I should have padded the retirement accounts a little more.

Then I begin to think about where I'd be if I were still working, and I remember why I retired: endless meetings, daily problems, too much stress, and long, long hours. I also remind myself that my pension income and retirement savings should be adequate if I manage my finances carefully and continue to live as frugally as I have done most of my adult life. Yep, I did the right thing.

But is it all I thought it would be? Actually, retirement has exceeded my expectations in many ways... having choice about how and where to focus my time and energy is great. Yet, the life I hypothetically imagined didn't just instantly materialize. I'm still learning how to better manage my time. There is such a thing as having too much choice and I now realize that some structure, such as that which defined my life when I worked, is necessary for me. But it is sometimes easier said than done.

So, retirement is a work in progress, and I am constantly tweaking the rhythm of my daily life, trying to find the balance that eluded me when I worked. Sometimes being able to simply relax and have fun has been a bit of a challenge because I can't shake the feeling that I should be doing "real" work. I am getting better at being OK with days that haven't resulted in the completion of an "important" task. Some days reading a good book, going for a bike ride or a long walk - activities that are self-focused - have been the accomplishment of my day.

What would I do differently? In retrospect, I'd probably pass on taking on as much part-time work as I did back in September, at least for the first few months. I was so used to being super-busy that I accepted consulting and part-time work at the university even before my retirement was official.

Don't get me wrong, the work is interesting and I'm grateful for the extra money, but I think I could have used a few months to just decompress. Then later, I could have taken on extra work if I felt the need to do so. I guess I was afraid to turn it down for fear it wouldn't be offered again and more so, I feared having nothing "important" to do. Ultimately, the part-time work has been rewarding even though it's kept me busier at times than I really want to be.

Despite the state of the economy, I am VERY happy I retired. Through the years, I've learned there is never a perfect time for anything, whether it's retiring, having children, or some other adventure. There will always be issues and challenges to face, but careful planning and a positive attitude go a long way to ensuring success.

Red Egg and Ginger Party

February 11th, 2009 at 04:22 pm

My nephew and his wife are the proud new parents of a sweet baby boy who was born in early January. I've received many photos and I can see that my new grandnephew is a beautiful combination of his parents, but I am most definitely biased. Tomorrow I am off to NYC to celebrate the baby's

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red egg and ginger party, a custom in his mother's culture. I can't wait to meet my grandnephew and to see my NY family once again.

Dh is staying behind due to his work schedule, but he'll be driving me to the airport, and on the way we'll pick up my niece and her children (my grandniece and other grandnephew). We are all traveling on the same direct flight to NYC, and my DS and BIL will also travel with us. Despite the cold NY weather, we are all excited and looking forward to the trip.

And, because it's off-season, I got some excellent deals on my hotel and airfare. I learned it pays to call the hotel directly and negotiate a discount instead of just booking online. I saved ~$275, and found a nice, smaller "boutique" hotel that offers a complimentary hot breakfast daily and is only two blocks from my nephew's apartment. Another money-saver was to buy two one-way tickets on different airlines instead of a round-trip ticket on one. I chose Virgin America for the trip to NYC and I'm returning to CA on AA, so my total airfare was $279.20 instead of ~$375-$450 for the itinerary I wanted.

Quiet Winter Day

February 10th, 2009 at 11:54 pm

The morning's thick gray fog burned off by 10:00 a.m. so it seemed a good day to spend a few hours working in my small patio, sweeping leaves and birdseed shells, and tending to my potted plants. TC the cat loves to explore while I'm working there but I have to keep an eye on her for fear she will hop the fence. It would be easier to leave her in the house but I am a pushover for her cute little silent meow as she watches me intently through the patio door. So, out she comes to get some fresh air and have a little fun chasing leaves, bugs, and feathers.

The potted herbs were ready to be pulled so I did that and also pruned the brugmansia I keep in a giant pot. I will replant the herbs in late March or early April. The trumpet vine looks slightly frostbitten where it is most exposed to the elements at the top of the fence. I will have to trim it when all danger of frost is over. In the spring, I will focus on planting more geraniums and succulents since these seem to be the most hardy.

After lunch, I went to Walmart where I get the best price on the black oil sunflower seeds and thistle (niger) that the birds like so much, and stocked up. These are the only two seeds I offer the wild birds. I also provide nectar for the humming birds.

I cleaned and sterilized the feeders and filled them, so now it's just a matter of time for the birds to re-discover them. I love to watch the birds at the feeder and don't mind spending money on this hobby. I spend ~$20 a month, well worth the enjoyment I get in return.

Dining Out on Overdrive

February 9th, 2009 at 07:20 am

Dh and I have eaten out every day since last Thursday when I got back in town. This is unusual for us, because we have actually been eating out less now that I'm retired. But, dh wanted to go out, and it was fine with me because we used a couple of the coupons by going to new restaurants (new to us).

Thursday dinner ~ at our favorite Mexican place: $20.19
Friday dinner ~ at local "fast food" Mongolian grill at food court (we were going to a movie): $16.57
Saturday lunch ~ new restaurant, used coupon (saved $10): $12.75
Sunday breakfast ~ new restaurant, used coupon (saved $8): $18.29

Total spent: $67.80. This took a bite from our February "dining out" budget and it's only the 8th. We did take home some leftovers, enough for 2 lunches, so that was nice.

We'll be eating at home for the rest of the week, or at least dh will. I'll be going out of town again in a few days for a family visit, and this will mean more dining out for me, at least some of the time.

But for tonight I made wild mushroom penne with EV olive oil, garlic, red pepper, and pine nuts, served with asparagus and whole wheat French bread. I also made a split pea soup that will be part of tomorrow's dinner and then some.

Kiva Translations

February 8th, 2009 at 05:49 am

Today I completed four more translations for

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Kiva, and this makes 11 that I've done since the start of the year. I'm finding that I really love doing this work... It helps keep my Spanish skills fresh, but more importantly, I am touched and inspired by the stories of people who want to improve their lives through hard work.

Through Kiva, we can lend money to the working poor throughout the world and promote their economic independence. I've decided to add a line item on my monthly budget for Kiva, instead of just lending or donating from time to time. It's not a lot, maybe the cost of a lunch out, but it will make a difference for someone who just needs a chance.

I'm a "paw-dicurist"

February 6th, 2009 at 04:16 pm

For some reason, my cat TC has nails that grow quickly and she needs them trimmed about once a month. She is very playful and has been known to damage the carpet or furniture if her nails get too long. In the past, I've always taken her to the vet to have her nails trimmed because she wiggles too much and I was afraid I'd hurt her. But I invested in a pair of

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guillotine trimmers that make the job easier. Practice makes perfect, and I am getting better at the process. The best part is that it avoids a stressful trip to the vet for TC, and the $18 it saves me is also a nice bonus. Here's what works for me:

1. Get the guillotine cutters and hide them near the recliner;
2. Sit in the recliner but ignore the cat;
3. Soon the cat will jump in the recliner with you;
4. Gently push the cat off the recliner;
5. The cat will now really want to get in the recliner;
6. Allow cat to jump up and get comfortable next to you;
7. Read a book or work on your laptop while ignoring the cat;
8. The cat will soon fall asleep;
9. When the cat is very sound asleep, grab the trimmers, then gently squeeze a paw to extend nails and quickly trim, being careful to stay ~ 2 mm. from the quick;
10. After trimming 3-4 nails, the cat will wake up and jump off the recliner;
11. Repeat steps 2-10 until you have cut all nails;
12. Give cat a catnip treat and pour yourself a glass of wine. ;-)

The Thriftiest Family in America

February 3rd, 2009 at 08:06 pm

Featured on Oprah today: "One of the thriftiest families in America shares their money-saving secrets with you! Then, slash you grocery bill in half. One mom says she can show you how." I'm planning to watch the show, but if you prefer to get the information online, here is the

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Oh baby, it's cold outside!

February 1st, 2009 at 06:56 pm

Caught a late flight out of Silicon Valley, off for a few quiet days at our second home. I'll enjoy spending time with my DDs and SILs. DD2 and SIL live a few blocks away (from our house) and DD1 and SIL live about 25 minutes out of town in the country. I didn't get to see them during the holidays because we were in Central America, so this is a treat for me.

Dh's work schedule doesn't permit him to take time off, especially at the beginning of the semester, so I came alone. I'll go back to CA in time for my Friday afternoon seminar, the only "work obligation" I have in the coming week. Later in the semester, the pace will pick up, making it more challenging to get away, even for a few days.

Outside, it's 19 degrees (~7 C) and the ground has a patchwork of snow. I'm not comfortable driving in extreme weather but we keep our reliable, well-maintained 10-year-old SUV here, and it has 4x4, so that helps. Fortunately, today the roads are clear and there is no ice or snow to contend with.

Our second home is averaged-sized (~1800 sq. ft.), one-story, and highly energy efficient. Right after we bought it in 2006, I invested in shutters for all the windows and this has added to its energy efficiency. This morning I analyzed the total energy costs for 2008:

Gas: $369.11
Electric: $196.29

Monthly average for both: $47.12

Not bad, considering that our townhouse in CA is smaller yet costs much more to heat and cool even though the weather there is milder year round.

Guess I'll get my book and relax by the fire until it's time to go to DD1s to watch the Super Bowl.

My Points

January 30th, 2009 at 01:34 am

I've participated in

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My Points program for about a year now. Most of my points have been earned doing surveys or checking out "clickthru" ads that come via email... very easy. So far, I've used the points I've earned to get a $25 B & N gift card and now I have enough to get a $50 GC. I'm thinking about Kohl's.

The most points I've earned at one time was 1,000 to try out Netflix which we really like and were thinking about getting anyway. A few days ago I earned another 1,000 points by buying the 2009 Entertainment Book ($19.50). I've wanted to try it because there are several featured restaurants near us that we already go to. I figured that using coupons twice would recoup the $19.50. Has anyone else tried the book and do you think it's worth the cost?

New Netbook

January 28th, 2009 at 06:08 pm

I've been a Mac user for over 20 years but I am now breaking into the world of the PC. I recently bought an Acer Aspire One netbook, primarily to access email and the Internet when I travel. With an 8.9-inch screen, it weighs just 2.2 pounds and is ultra portable... it fits right into my purse so I don't have to carry a computer bag. It's wireless, has a built-in webcam for Skyping, a 6-cell battery for about 5+ hours of use when not plugged in, a 160 MB hard drive, and 1MB RAM.

The netbook came with Windows XP Home and so far, it's got me on a learning curve. To me, it doesn't seem as user-friendly as the Mac, but it's getting easier every day. The right and left click is different from the Mac. The keyboard is very small so I have to focus or I end up making lots of typos. It's not a bad thing to be on a learning curve... gives my boomer brain some exercise.

For creating documents, I downloaded

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OpenOffice, a free productivity program that includes a word-processor, database, spreadsheet, and presentation program. It lets me save files in various formats including MS Office, so they can be read on my Mac. So now when I travel, I'll take along the netbook and leave my bigger MacBook Pro at home. The cost was ~$379, including tax and free shipping.

Earned 0% interest and grateful!

January 27th, 2009 at 05:50 pm

Monday I received the annual statement for one of my retirement accounts, a 457 plan. In 2008, I received no interest... nothing, zip, zero, zilch, nada, not one red cent. So why am I grateful for this? Well, I did not lose any principal, either, and this is better than many others have fared.

I've heard of people whose retirement accounts have dropped anywhere from 25-40% including a loss of principal. Although my 457 account is tied to the S & P index, the principal is guaranteed to never decrease. But since the interest rate is keyed to the performance of the S & P, the account earned 0% in 2008. Yet, it could have been much worse.

If cash is king...

January 26th, 2009 at 05:25 pm

do we still need credit cards? This

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article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal caught my eye. It is thought provoking, although I don't agree with the premise that it's impossible to live without a credit card because sometimes you HAVE TO use a one (like when you buy a "$10,000 home entertainment center"). People who want to pay cash would do so by writing a check or using their ATM card. Only a fool would carry around $10,000 in cash.

I think if you really wanted to, you could get by without a credit card, a good idea for people who tend to spend more than they earn and want to get out of debt. But, then again, maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture, since I use a credit card for everything. But, I pay off my balance each month and I love taking advantage of the reward miles that never expire.

The video clip that's part of the article was interesting to me because it discusses how closing a credit card account can hurt your credit score. It suggests some alternatives in lieu of closing accounts that have been paid off. It definitely is making me reconsider my plan to close some credit card accounts I haven't used in years.

Carbon Footprint Update

January 25th, 2009 at 06:51 pm

So far I am on track with the goal to reduce our

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carbon footprint by saving energy. Here is the analysis of our PGE bill (gas and electric) for the last two months:

12/2007 $193.68
12/2008 $116.99
~40% less

1/2008 $165.17
1/2009 $154.07
~7% less

I have also been buying more organic foods but haven't determined the cost impact yet. Sometimes the organic produce at the store I shop most frequently looks pretty sad, so I have to pass and go for the non-organic.

A New Beginning

January 24th, 2009 at 06:40 pm

Wednesday marked the start of the spring semester and with it, some changes. I accepted another part-time contract to supervise student teachers, an assignment that means working about one or two days a week but only a few hours each day. This assignment is special in that I might be able to follow the group for a whole year while they complete both semesters of student teaching. The fall 2009 term would be more intense. The job pays very little, but the extra money is appreciated and I plan to funnel most of it to the travel savings.

My dh, who works at the same university, has decided to retire in June of 2009 (he just turned 63). He plans to participate in a special "early retirement" program that would allow him to collect his pension but also teach one semester (for regular pay). He would be eligible to do this for up to five years although I am hoping he doesn't go that long as he would be 68!

Unlike me, who was very ready to retire last fall, my dh loves his job and seems to have very little stress. He is popular with students and his classes are always filled to capacity and beyond. Sometimes I worry he is retiring to please me. But after 30 years of teaching, he does agree it is time to slow down. We have had many talks... about choosing retirement because he is ready and not because I am already retired.

Well, this morning he told me he is submitting his paperwork next week, but I will believe it when I see it. If he retires, he would work the fall term (late August to early December), then we would be free for the next nine months. It would give us time to travel and just enjoy a more relaxed pace. One concern: once dh retires, will so much "together time" be as pleasant as it sounds? Hmmm...

Coupon Resource

January 23rd, 2009 at 03:39 pm

Since retiring I have been trying to get better at using coupons to save $$ on groceries. The problem is many of the coupons that come my way or that I find online are for pre-packaged processed food or products I don't use. One of my

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health and fitness goals for 2009 is to buy more organic and fresh food and cook healthier meals.

Recently I found
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Mambo Sprouts, a website that promotes "Free Printable Health, Natural & Organic Grocery Coupons." So far, I like it because it also has recipes, eco house tips, and freebies. I also found some $1 coupons at
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Organic Valley.

Socks Galore!

January 22nd, 2009 at 05:42 pm

Yesterday, on a lark, I decided to go to Macy's to check out their sales. I was in search of new socks to wear with trousers and jeans, especially in winter. Knowing Macy's can be high-priced, I was not too hopeful, but I have hit some great sales there in the past.

Well, to my surprise, socks were on sale... they had been marked down 50%, then the sale offered another 50% off, and with my coupon, I got an additional 20% off. Bottom line: socks that are normally ~$6.00 a pair, I got for only $1.19! So now I'm set for a while and will recycle my old socks to the rag bin to use for polishing. Amount saved = > $57.

Later, I found a pair of much-needed rain/snow boots @ 50% off at the Bass shoe store. These will come in handy when I go to see my DDs in ID in a few weeks. Amount saved = $38.

TC approves of my new socks.

The Renewing Sea

January 21st, 2009 at 05:15 pm

The majestic power of the sea has always attracted and fascinated me. I could spend hours soaking in the beauty and marveling at the abundance of life that emanates from the sea. During our recent long weekend at Carmel (on the Monterey Peninsula), dh and I were fortunate to have perfect weather that hovered in the 70s. It was spring weather in the middle of winter. As always, the sea renews me, in spirit and in body... there is nothing like breathing fresh, clean sea air and meditating to the sound of the sea breaking on the rocks.

Some of the best memories of the weekend were taking our picnic lunch to the

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Point Lobos State Reserve where we were entertained by the resident colony of sea otters, watched the frolicking sea lions, and observed the migration of the gray whales, gentle giants that allow the whale-watching boats to get very close. Dh and I decided we would come back soon for whale watching, a fairly reasonably priced experience at ~$35 per person. Monterey is only about an hour from our home so we could easily make it a day trip.

The powerful waves along the California coast can be treacherous. Although the gull in the photo seems unfazed, people have been swept off the rocks, so one must be on-guard at all times.

Here you can see two sea lions playing in the crystal blue water.

Sunsets like this one brought closure to perfect days.

An Honest Man

January 21st, 2009 at 08:08 am

I previously posted about having to repair our gas fireplace. It cost $122 to have someone come just to "diagnose the problem" which was determined to be a malfunctioning part. So, we paid $122 for the house call plus $33 (10% of the $329 part that had to be ordered).

Well, late Tuesday afternoon the repairman came to install the new part. He removed the old part and replaced it with the new, but the fireplace still didn't work... it would not light. Then he started systematically checking other things and finally got it to work.

What astounded me is that the repairman then told me the original part was working "perfectly well"... that it was not broken. The problem was that the system had to be reset. That was all... a very simple fix. The nice man then showed dh how to reset it in case it happens again (it was not something we would have figured out).

The best part of this story is that the repairman said there would be "no charge" for the visit, that he would take back the part that had been ordered, and the company would refund us the 10% we had paid to order the part. I couldn't believe it!

So, even though the original visit cost $122, we saved $329 on the replacement part and we now have a fireplace that works. We are so grateful that this honest technician told us the truth. He could have replaced the old part, reset the system and charged us... and we would not have been the wiser. His actions have reinforced my faith in the basic honesty of people.

Refi Update

January 16th, 2009 at 05:47 pm

I posted previously we had applied for a refinance based on getting a rate of 4.875%. We finally closed escrow four days after the lock-in period expired due to a delay by our HOA in getting a report to the lender. And this for a loan that was supposed to be "fast-track" or low paperwork. However, Countrywide honored the lock-in and we were able to close with the loan amount covering all closing costs. We even received a "proceeds" check yesterday for $271.09. The best part is that our payment has gone down $225.82 a month. BTW, the thing that got the ball rolling on our refi was a

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post by monkeymama, proof of how participating in SA can help our financial well-being.


January 16th, 2009 at 05:58 am

To celebrate dh's birthday I've planned a four-day weekend at one of our favorite places, Carmel-by-the-Sea. The timing is good, just before the start of the spring semester. I am able to do this through a timeshare we've had for a few years. If we don't use the time, we would eventually lose it. So, Carmel, here we come... four days in a luxurious one-bedroom suite at the Highland's Inn, complete with an ocean view, a massive fireplace, a spa tub, and a kitchenette in our unit.

Our timeshare works like a "pre-paid" vacation in a sense. The annual dues are now up to ~ $1,000 a year, but through the exchange process, we can leverage our week to give us 2 or 3 weeks depending on the season, but at a different resort. Or, we can use the time for a week at the resort we purchased, including a split week. I checked online and the condo we are using is $635 a night. But here is the thing... we would NEVER pay this much for a hotel room because we like to economize when we travel. So when it's not connected to the timeshare, we usually stay in modest digs. But the timeshare makes staying in luxury condos more affordable.

Of course, there are pros and cons to timeshare ownership, and to be frank, I am not sure there is a HUGE money-saving advantage. First of all, you have to pay the initial purchase price and then annual maintenance fees. And if you want to exchange, you also pay a small fee. But it comes out about the same or slightly less than if we were staying at budget hotels. Timeshares are typically apartment-like in that they have kitchens and sleeping space for additional visitors. Cooking some our own meals saves money and is healthier than constantly eating out, and we often invite friends to join us part of the time.

One good thing about owning a timeshare is that it's motivated us to travel to different parts of the USA and the world. So from that standpoint, it has been great. When dh and I are both retired, we'll have more options for traveling during the "low" season and the timeshare should pay off even more.

Thank Goodness for the Reserve Account

January 13th, 2009 at 05:28 pm

We have lived in our small condo for almost three years, since downsizing in the spring of 2006. All in all we've been pretty lucky regarding any needed inside repairs until now. The HOA takes care of all the outside repairs. We do, however, pay $240 in monthly HOA fees that cover all outside maintenance, insurance, and garbage collection. The complex has several swimming pools, greenbelts, and common areas, so I don't think our HOA fee is exorbitant. In fact, we have friends who live in a nearby gated complex requiring a 24/7 guard and their fees are three times higher.

Our unit has a gas fireplace we turn on with a switch. We love the way it heats up the room quickly, not to mention the lovely atmosphere it provides. But it suddenly stopped working in early December. I called the power company to see if maybe the pilot light had gone out and I learned that it doesn't even have a pilot. But the service call was free and the technician said the problem was a bad spark ignition module. The next step was to get referrals and call around. Then I scheduled a service call with the longest-established company whose fees were in line with others.

Well, the repairman came early this morning. The company charged $122 to just walk through the door. Then after a 10-minute inspection, we were told the part that needs replacement would cost an additional $329 and it has to be ordered. Thank goodness for the household reserve savings, where we have $$ stashed for this kind of situation. If it takes care of the problem, I will be happy, although I am still surprised at the high cost of the service call.

Network for Good

January 12th, 2009 at 03:20 pm

For Christmas dh and I asked our family to donate to our favorite local food bank in lieu of getting us a gift. My DDs, nephew, and my niece donated to the food bank via

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Network for Good rather than through the food bank's own website. I found out about NFG when I received emails about donations made in our honor.

I've had a chance to explore the NFG website and I am so impressed that I decided to share. Network for Good allows donors to access THOUSANDS of non-profit organizations/charities across the USA or to explore volunteer opportunities. It provides research and profiles about the charities, tax tips and resources, and much more. I even found Kiva Microfunds, one of my favorite non-profits that I support as a donor/lender and a volunteer.

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