Home > Skyping With DH

Skyping With DH

May 29th, 2008 at 02:44 pm

DH is in Central America with a group of graduate students and has been keeping me updated via email. This morning, I was able to have a nice long chat with him via Skype. Even though DH is thousands of miles away, it was great to see him “in person.” (It sure is fun to have web cams on our computers!) So far, the trip has been uneventful, except for one student who exceeded the baggage weight limit, so she had to pay an extra $50 (ouch!) for her suitcase. DH says his 15 students are now fully immersed in teaching elementary students in the hosting bilingual school.

The posada (inn) where they are staying is Spartan, but clean and affordable. Most of the rooms cost about $25 per night, have a small private bathroom, but no phone or TV. It does, however, have wireless internet available free to all guests. DH’s group has access to a communal kitchen where they will prepare and share some meals together.

About Skype: With Skype, you can make free calls over the internet to other people on Skype for as long as you like, to wherever you like. It is free to download.

I’ve been using Skype to call relatives in England, Switzerland, and Central America for more than two years. My laptop always goes with me, so I use Skype to call the US when I travel out of the country. This is a great way to make free international calls. If the computers of both Skye users have web cams, you can see each other while you are speaking. Otherwise, you will just hear each other… and it sounds as if you are on “speaker phone.”

If you want to learn more, here is the link:

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4 Responses to “Skyping With DH”

  1. littlemama Says:

    Do you have to have high speed internet?

  2. Analise Says:

    Yes, we have DSL at our home in CA but I've used Skype in other areas where it's just a regular ethernet connection (Guatemala, Mexico). I have not used it with a dial up modem.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    I just downloaded skype as part of myspace, but I have not utilized it yet. No one to call!

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Glad you have found the beauty that is Skype! I love Skype too... but have few people I need to talk to long distance and even fewer who are "computer savvy" enough to be even aware of Skype.

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