Home > I Won!!

I Won!!

June 6th, 2008 at 02:02 pm

This morning, the local radio station I've listened to for the last 15 years, had a "contest" about tomorrow's date. If listeners could guess what was special about it, they would win a prize. I called in and said that tomorrow was special because it was: 06-07-08. That was it! I won a 30 day pass to a local spa, just in time to enjoy it in my retirement. I was asked how I figured it out and I said, "I've always been good with numbers." So, this was a small payoff for all those years of figuring out my budgets and studying my spreadsheets... it does exercise the mind.

4 Responses to “I Won!!”

  1. managinglife Says:

    Wow! That is wonderful prize!

  2. miclason Says:

    Wow! Congratulations!!!

  3. mom-sense Says:

    Good for you! I NEVER win anything! Enjoy!

  4. Blue Eyes Says:


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