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Adventures in People Watching

December 9th, 2008 at 07:17 pm

The semester is winding down and now it's time for me to meet with my student teachers for an "exit conference" to review their portfolios. It is a one-to-one meeting that lasts about an hour per candidate. I have been looking forward to these meetings because it's a time to reflect on the semester's successes and progress toward program requirements. Fortunately, I have a solid group of students and have no concerns with any of them... they are all on track.

My students asked to have our meeting at a little coffeehouse that's near campus but situated so that parking is free and abundant, unlike the university. So early yesterday morning, I went to the designated place and found a good table, one that would give us some privacy, relatively speaking, since it is a rather small but popular coffeehouse. It is not unusual to for study groups or faculty to park themselves for hours at this place. Between appointments, I observed those coming and going as well as people who sat at adjacent tables. Although I am not in the habit of eavesdropping, due to the close proximity of the tables I could not help but overhear some conversations.

Among the most "fascinating": Lady A and Lady B

Lady A: "So, you guys get any nibbles on the house yet?"

Lady B: "Nope. The realtor wants us to lower the price AGAIN! There goes any equity we might have. We may as well walk away if it goes any lower."

Lady A: "Oh, honey, I know what you mean. The equity in our house has dropped over 300 grand from a couple years ago. We thought we were all set but we'd be lucky to get a mil for it now. At least we don't have a mortgage."

Lady B: Silence.

Me, to self: Lady A, may I recommend a class in Sensitivity Training?

Another interesting interaction between mother and child waiting in line to order:

Boy (about 4): "Mama, I want one of these!" (grabbing a icing-decorated Santa cookie from display case.)

Mother: "No! Put it back."

Boy: "But I waaaaaaa nit!!!" (in whiney high-pitched voice)

Mother: "I said no!"

Boy: "I hate you!"

Mother: "Listen, you better settle down, you hear me?" Then she says to no one in particular: "He always makes me spend money I don't have!" and proceeds to pay for the cookie when she places her order.

Me, to self: May I recommend Parenting 101?

9 Responses to “Adventures in People Watching”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    Oh, dear ... the things one hears!

  2. kdmoffett25 Says:

    I hoped that she would pay for the cookie once her child touched it... LOL

  3. North Georgia Gal Says:

    LOL! People watching can be so interesting!!!

  4. Analise Says:

    kdmoffett25 - Well, the cookie was in a little box so it would have been OK to put it back. I was just amazed at how children "learn" at a very young age that if they WANT IT, they get it. I didn't mention this but the mother said, "You just ate" or something to that effect, so the boy couldn't have been too hungry. But he wanted it, so he got it.

  5. lizajane Says:

    Funny! I wonder what Mama bought the little boy the next place they stopped, and the next, and the next...

  6. whitestripe Says:

    lol that's pretty funny!
    have you ever heard of a site called they also have an office one and a beach one. they are all exactly what you have posted, and you can spend quite a while reading and laughing Smile

  7. Analise Says:

    whitestrip - Thanks for link... it is hilarious! I'm sending to my nephew who lives in Manhattan.

  8. monkeymama Says:

    Well, interesting! & that poor kid...

    I've mentioned before on these blogs but the most bizarre things we overhear are at the playground. Parents on their cell phones - and WAY TMI. Plus they aren't paying attention to their kids so it's like a double whammy - all wrapped up in their soap operas.

  9. whitestripe Says:

    you're welcome analise. i think they are great sites. i've signed up for the weekly email they send out, which is always a little bit of humour in my day Smile

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